Historical Fiction Prompts for Writers

In our last blog, we looked at how online resources have transformed a writer's research process. So let's explore this idea with a creative writing prompt. Writing Prompt: Historical Fiction Write down a daily task or hobby that interests you. Now, choose a specific historic period and location. Come up with a close approximation of your interest that may fit with the period and location. Write down what you already think you know about that activity. Now, set a timer. Give yourself 15 minutes to research that specific activity online. Read everything you can about it. Look at illustrations. Become an expert in something very precise. An example for this writing prompt: Present day interest: racing cars Historic period/location: Roman Empire Approximation: Chariot racing; how [...]

A Creative Writing Prompt!

Welcome to the fifth in my series of creative writing tips, techniques and prompts! Today, I’m sharing a creative writing prompt you can use at any time. Creative Writing: Tell the Story of a Life On a trip to Spain a few years ago, I saw in Grenada a traveller with a typewriter and a sign reading, “I tell your life story in 10 minutes”. Tourists lined up before his desk on the street corner, eager to share their stories. While they spoke, he typed furiously. Each customer dropped coins into his hat, and took away their ‘life story’ as a souvenir. I heard the street writer tell someone that he turned down no job. He wrote declarations of love or hate, official letters, dream [...]

Creative Writing Tips and Techniques: How to Create Characters for Fiction

Welcome to the fourth in my blog series on creative writing tips and techniques! Today I want to examine character creation. Read on for information on how to build characters for short stories and novels – and in the meantime, don’t forget to check out our Creative Writing Retreats in Mexico and Costa Rica! A Character Creation Technique There are many ways to build fictional characters for a novel or short story, and ‘status’ is one approach I want to discuss today. While we may find it unpleasant to think about, all of us project a ‘status’ in our interactions with others, and that status is ever-shifting, depending on the people we are with, the spaces we move through, and our comfort level. A student [...]

Journaling for Creative Writers

This is the third in our series of creative writing tips and prompts for writers interested in our creative writing retreats to Costa Rica and Mexico, and our virtual creative writing classes. Read on for advice for writers on how journaling can help you hone the craft of writing… particularly if you hope to write a memoir, of fiction inspired by life experiences. The Connection Between Journaling and Creative Writing Journaling is a way to document your life experiences. Imagine yourself in your late years, sitting by a sunlit window with a pile of journals on your lap, reliving your life, year by year, in stories. That’s how I’ve always seen journaling. But keeping a journal can mean other things, too. The Advantages of a [...]

Young Writers: 8 Markets Looking for Your Work!

Getting Published... There are plenty of places that young writers can submit their creative writing: magazines and writing competitions are great options. If you have a short story, poem, novel excerpt or even art piece you would like to see in print, check out the following options: https://www.torontopubliclibrary.ca/teens/young-voices.jsp This is a creative writing magazine published annually. They accept art, too! You must live in the Toronto area to submit your creative writing. https://thewalrus.ca/amazon-first-novel-award-youth/ This one is a great choice for young writers working on a novel! https://www.breakbreadproject.org/submissionguidelines This magazine promotes work by creative writers under the age of 25. https://www.nawe.co.uk/DB/magazines/cuckoo-quarterly.html This is a UK-based online magazine designed by and for young writers. For art, novels, creative non-fiction, poetry and short stories, try out this New [...]

12 Writing Prompts for the Holidays!

Scheduled holidays provide us with a rare opportunity for extended periods of uninterrupted writing time. With this in mind, here are 12 prompts you could use to inspire 12 days of writing over the winter holiday. But first, a spoiler alert! If you take creative writing classes with us at the Centauri Arts Academy, you will be receiving your own, gift-wrapped writing prompts similar to the ones below, so we'd advise you not to read on! For everyone else, ask a friend to print out these prompts for you, and to fold and place each one in an envelope. Every time you find yourself with 15+ minutes in which to write, select a prompt at random, settle yourself in your favourite writing chair, open your [...]

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