Tips for Young Artists

Are you the parent of a child or teenager who loves to paint or draw? Here are some suggestions to help you encourage their interest in visual arts: Look for after-school art programs in your community. You may wish to begin with general art classes, moving to a more specific focus, such as illustration, cartoon, printmaking, design, digital art and photography. Art undertaken solely as a creative outlet is important, but as your child gets older, look for courses that include elements of technique that will help them further their craft. Take your child to the art gallery whenever possible. Buy them books on art, and talk about art together. Art is a way to enrich a life – both creating art and enjoying the [...]

Digital Art and Animation Program This Fall

Our Digital Art & Animation Classes this semester will focus on illustrating, designing and of course animation! We’ll create original characters for video games, abstract illustrations, intricate designs of products, vehicles and buildings, fantasy backgrounds, and simple animations. You’ll learn how to create sprite sheets, colour and shadow rendering, and the difference between frames and layers when animating multiple moving objects. By the end of the semester, you’ll have created so much amazing digital artwork, you’ll have a portfolio to be proud of and a few animations to share with family and friends. Creating Characters for Video Games A popular and growing industry for digital artists is designing and illustrating characters for video games. The Centauri Digital Art and Animation classes will provide kids and [...]

September 16th, 2022|Academy, Digital Art, Fine Art|

Fine Art Classes for Kids and Teens

Our Fine Art class this semester will focus on sketching, illustrating, cartoons and comic books! We’ll explore ways to draw original characters, facial expressions, dynamic poses, perspectives, and exciting backgrounds. You’ll learn how to ink and colour your art, using pens, markers and even watercolour. By the end of the semester, you’ll have created your own original comic book. You’ll also have a portfolio of artwork to be proud of and to share with family and friends. Illustration As a visual artist, one of the most quintessential skills you are continually honing is illustration. From simple shapes to extreme detailed renderings, an artist can always build this skill through continual practice. Our fine art classes give artist exactly that chance through a series of exercises [...]

September 12th, 2022|Fine Art|
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